Wednesday 12 August 2009

Blue Plaque Spotting No. 2: William Blake...

I don't know why I didn't post this earlier as it's, literally, just around two corners from where I live...
From The Inexplicable World of Outa_Spaceman...

Much is made locally of Blake's association with Felpham, mainly by the redoubtably stout ladies of the Women's Institute who become all wistful and dewy-eyed at the mention of his name...
I bet he wouldn't get invited to any of their fashionable garden parties if he were around today...
Blake gets two plaques, the above being on the side of the cottage where he lived and, below, outside The Fox public house (an establishment catering for 'families' and saloon bar xenophobes) where he got into a bit of a tussle which led to him leaving the area...
From The Inexplicable World of Outa_Spaceman...

A vain streak in me wonders if any of the pubs I've been arrested outside of will one day feature a similar tribute...
Almost certainly not...