Thursday 2 December 2010

Get Thee Behind Me Satan.

It may be noticed that I haven't been posting much to my blog recently.
The reason?
I've stopped smoking.

I've been an on/off smoker most of my life.
Periods of desolute self indulgence tempered by periods of sickening self-righteous abstinence.

I didn't suddenly decide that I must stop smoking.
It, sort of, happened by accident.

I had a dental appointment and not wishing to offend my (attractive) dentist with ash-tray breath I slapped a nicotine patch on.
After my appointment I wondered how long I could go without a cigarette on one nicotine patch.
That was three weeks ago.

The only time I noticed being 'bothered' by not smoking was when I sat at my computer and every cell in my body shouted 'CIGARETTE!!'
So I've avoided using the computer for the last three weeks.

I hate to be smug but I didn't find stopping smoking particularly difficult.
Time will tell.

(Yes I have taken the nicotine patch off.)


Oldfool said...

Been there. It wasn't so hard but then I started chewing tobacco. I finally quite that (over 10 years ago) and it was a bitch. I now announce myself as "Hello my name is Richard. I am a chewing tobacco addict. I have been tobacco free for 11 years, 4 months, 9 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes and 32 seconds but who's counting."
The people that make the big money on tobacco don't use it mainly. That tells me something I just don't know what.