Saturday 22 January 2011

Sundry Mortifications No17: 6 Clicks.

Way before the winter festivities I was asked to provide The Dabbler (a culture blog) with my recommendations for their 6-Clicks feature
I was chuffed to be asked and, with little effort, compiled my list.
Then I hit the problem.
My writing 'style' can best be described as coming from the 'What I did on my school holidays' category of literary composition.
The Dabbler has some really wordy wizard contributors who can wax long and lyrical about the choices they've made and make them seem enticing even to the casual reader (me).
Try as I might, every time I sat down to write about my choices, I blocked.

So, not wishing to waste a great list, here are the links I click on a regular basis:
Go and have a look.


Wartime Housewife said...

Thanks for the plug, old thing.
However, I don't think you should underestimate your own abilities. You are clearly a seriously creative person and your style and way of expressing yourself could well be most welcome if the other contributors are more formal in style. Next time, have faith!

OutaSpaceMan said...

No problem WH.

I've always tried to see myself as hilariously creative.

I shall now buck my ideas up and no longer be intimidated by the clever boys.