Monday 12 September 2011

My 'Track of the Week": 'Urban Spaceman' (Innes) Performed by Neil Innes (and a tap-dancer).

My comment about female tap-dancers in fish-nets wasn't entirely blatant sexism.
A precedent can be seen here:

No fish-nets sadly.
I'd much rather work with a tap-dancer than a drummer.
Not that I'm drummerist you understand, but have you seen 'em eat!?


Wartime Housewife said...

What a lovely Sunday evening treat.

OutaSpaceMan said...

I'm really serious about wanting to work with a tap-dancer providing the rhythmic structure.

(and the fish-nets)

Wartime Housewife said...

I used to do Appalachian dancing and our troop was called 'Tap and Synch' (ho ho). That would certainly provide a fitting rhythmic structure as it was so sharp and syncopated.

The great thing about music is that you can use absolutely anything to make sound. I went to a promenade concert some years ago and heard this piece of music where all the percussionists were placed around the Albert Hall making very primal sounds with an extraordinary variety of objects and it was unexpectedly thrillling and exhilarating.

Find your dancer. Failing that, give Linda an unsolicited pair of tap shoes for Christmas.

Oldfool said...

Has someone expressed doubt? I think it is a grand idea and I am looking forward to it.
I would volunteer except that it is too far away from here so would likely be a one way trip, fish-nets make me look fat and I do not know how to tap dance.

Wartime Housewife said...

Excuses excuses...