Sunday 11 November 2012

Errr, I'm Fine Thanks. (Support Your Local Uke Jam).

The last few days have been a bit of a blur.
The last high-spot was the bicycle ride home during the early hours of Friday morning.
WOW! You should've been there!

The wonderful drugs then began to leave my system.
My sleep patten had become disturbed to the point where I couldn't remember if I'd slept or not.
My feeling being that the "or not" bit is the truth of the situation.

The Modern Cloak-Room Attendant shift that started at 16:00 hrs. on Friday and finished at 03:15 hrs. the following day was, to put it mildly, a trial.
Which, I'd like to point out, I successfully negotiated.

My physical condition at the moment is difficult to evaluate, but I'll try.
I'm not in pain.
I'm sort of 'wobbly' when I walk, but I don't have a problem walking.
My feet feel 'fizzy' in the way they did when both my legs went numb earlier this year.
My eyesight is completely out of focus but seems to be slowly improving.

Another good night's sleep and I may have something more to report but, I will say this:
If you find yourself in a similar situation to me (say, with Optic Neuritis)...

But, fuss and bother on all that.
Today is the Littlehampton Ukulele Jam!

I'm ready:
A Spaceman Risks Carpet Madness Because The Light Is Just Too Good.
The "Hard-Core" are in:
"What Page?"
And for no apparent reason at all, here's a picture of Linda standing next to a big metal restaurant:
"Hurry Up, I'm Bloody Freezing!"