Tuesday 6 November 2012

Heavy Old Whack No. 1. (Updated)

At 09:30 I breakfasted lightly.
Poached eggs on toast, coffee, 20mg of Omeprazole, and 500mg of Medrone.

Now, let's C. Wotappens.


It's now 4.5 hrs. later.
I haven't exploded, noticed any kind of queasy feeling, no 'intestinal discomfort', and the pain seems to have reduced.
The last bit could be a bit of the old placebo effect which is just fine by me!
'scuse me, I gotta do some modern cloak-room attending via winter bike.


Vince said...

If you can, try to take your omeprazole at least half an hour before you eat. It'll make it much more effective :-)

OutaSpaceMan said...

I did give it about 1/4 of an hour after taking the omeprazole before taking the steroids but I'll delay my breakfast tomorrow as well.
Boy, can't begin to tell you the difference they've made.